Things in Notion | Getting Things Done for Notion
Things in Notion is a complete Task manager template for Notion inspired by Things 3 from Cultured Code. I created it for myself when decided to move to Notion. It has all you need to manage To-Dos, Projects, Areas in their different life cycle stages.
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Things in Notion comes with pre-populated demo data - few projects and several to-dos. Please walk around, click on things and see how different views represent complete task management process.
Once you are familiar - feel free to delete demo data and start over, adapt it to your needs, and start managing your life using Getting Things Done, PARA or any other productivity methodology.
Inside you will find familiar pages like:
- Inbox - all new to-dos appear here waiting for project or Do Date to be assigned
- Today - To-dos you assign for today (or Due) or earlier
- Upcoming - Upcoming to-dos by Do Date (when you PLAN to do it) and Due Date (when it is Due)
- Anytime - To-dos which can be done anytime (ie no future do date is assigned), grouped by Projects
- Someday - mark Projects and To-dos as Someday for them to appear on this page. Useful for ideas, thoughts of projects for regular review later.
- Logbook - To-dos and Projects you completed do not disappear forever - they stay here in this block
- Priority Projects - Projects you marked as priority will appear in this block on main page
- Areas - Areas of Focus (sometimes called Pillars, Buckets, Areas of Responsibility) is a good way to group your projects.
The template has gone through extensive testing and design and was optimised for different screen sizes, including mobile phones, tablets and desktop.
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You'll get: Things in Notion template - a complete Task Management template for Notion for your personal use on Desktop, Tablet and Mobile